Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 1: Storybook Favorites

The three storybooks that I chose as my favorites were The Towers That Be, The Prince Diaries, and Nursery Rhymes Gone Wrong. I chose these three because I love being able to read things in a new perspective. For example, not many people would ever thing to tell the story of Rapunzel from the perspective of the tower's, also, no one ever tells stories about the prince, or for that matter, even cares about what the prince thinks because stories are almost always about the princesses. Finally, I think that the Nursery Rhymes Gone Wrong storybook idea is hilarious. I enjoyed reading these three storybooks because I could tell that the writers were being very creative with their choices. While reading these three stories, it sparked my interest in wanting to write something similar. I want to write a story from a different perspective that no one ever gets to see or hear from. However, one thing I feel could have improved their stories even more would be to have amped up the layout of the stories a little bit more, maybe with pictures and different colors, etc. I understand that it probably was difficult to try to find the pictures online that they wanted to portray their story, but that is the only thing that I feel could have made the stories even better! All in all, these stories have really helped me to decide what I will be interested in writing about when it comes time to write my own storybook for the course. I hope to be able to be as creative as the writers of these stories, but I am excited to be able to begin writing my own storybook.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Baleigh, this page at your blog seems to be working... but the other pages are not. So, please read the email I sent you about helping to figure this out. It's a good idea to do the assignments in order this week instead of skipping around, so make sure you finish up the Wednesday stuff before going on to Thursday and write me back about the blog so we can figure out what is causing the problem on your older posts. Thanks!!!
